Thursday, August 18, 2011

Clara Elizabeth Beeman is here!

Five weeks later and I am just now getting to this! Clara's story will begin with a 35 week pregnant mommy. I had found out at our 3D ultrasound (at 30 weeks) that Clara was breech. The ultrasound technician did not make a big deal about it and said there was still plenty of time for her to flip. I went in at 35 weeks for an ultrasound, where we found out that Clara was still breech. Dr. Levin told us that if she was still breech at 37 weeks, a c-section would be scheduled. I'm not going to lie...I was a little dissappointed. However, the most important thing was getting our baby girl here safe and sound. So 37 weeks rolls around, and guess what? Our stubborn girl was STILL breech...and looking pretty comfy in there. So the c-section was scheduled for July 13th at 12:30PM (38 weeks and 4 days pregnant.) We were BEYOND excited by that point! It finally felt very, VERY real. Derek and I left for the hospital around 9:30 that Wednesday morning. I was extremely emotional...having feelings of excitement, joy, fear. I knew this was the most important thing I was ever going to do...become a mommy. My mom, dad and sister followed us to the hospital. Everyone arrived in their pink!
Aunt Linda, Uncle Jarvis, Grandmother, Gramps, Papa and Sarah came to the hospital too! My mom and Derek all ready to go in their scrubs. HERE WE GO!!!! I don't think we've ever been so excited (or nervous) in our lives! We were truly beside ourselves! 1:37PM, Clara Elizabeth Beeman arrives into the world! She was 7 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches long. When Dr. Levin pulled her out, Clara let out the biggest squeal! She was so bright eyed right away...truly the most perfect little thing I'd ever seen. No one can prepare you for the feelings you will get the moment you see your child for the first time. There were lots of tears...the happiest tears I've ever shed. It killed me I wasn't able to get my hands on her right away. (I had to wait 3 hours...which felt like a lifetime!)
Derek got to walk Clara out from the OR where her fan club was anxiously waiting. I loved that he got to do that.

Our first picture as a family of three!

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