Friday, October 14, 2011

The Littlest Pumpkin

So yesterday we planned our first trip to the Pumpkin Patch with my dear friend Brittany, her precious baby, Reid, and our mommas. I know I have mentioned the Preston girls before, but they are our oldest and dearest friends. Brittany had Reid in she's been my "go to girl" on anything and everything baby. We have had such fun doing mommy things together. Our moms are best friends and have taught together for years. They have had just as much fun doing "grandmommy" things together!
The weather could not have been more perfect yesterday. It was like getting a little taste of fall! We had lunch at Otto's at La Centera and then headed to the St. Peter's Pumpkin Patch for cute baby pictures. The babies were good sports, Reid a little more so than Clara. :) Her feelings were very hurt. This was not her idea of fun. (But boy did the pictures come out cute!) This is my favorite picture of the two of them. It pretty much sums up our day at the Pumpkin Patch. Baby Reid is Mr. Laid Back...Miss Clara is our little Drama Queen. Reid was all about the bows on Clara's outfit. He kept grabbing at them! She looks so heart broken in this picture, but I have to tell ya, there weren't any tears. This was the closest thing we got to a grin at the patch! (You can kind of see one of her tiny dimples!) Maybe this wasn't so bad after all?!

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